We assist numerous clients with matters relating to cohabitation and the law. Some are about to move in with a new partner, and wish to draw up a cohabitation agreement to clarify the ownership of shared property and other assets. Many others seek the firm’s practical advice and legal assistance after a relationship has broken down or a partner has died.
As the marriage rate in England and Wales continues to decline, the number of unmarried, but cohabiting couples continues to rise. At present, however, there is no law in place tailored to the needs of a cohabiting couple – and any children they may have together – if their relationship breaks down. In the event of a property dispute, trust and land law is applied.
It is important that you are aware of your legal rights before you begin cohabiting with your partner and not just upon separation.
For a free initial appointment to discuss your options, contact us at [email protected] or call at 01793 852800..